School Council

School Council at St John's

At St John's we are proud to have pupil representatives that take part in School Council meetings.  This is so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them.  Through their class reps, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues and share ideas that are then taken back to a school council meeting. This ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.  Pupils at St John's know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter. 

Becoming part of our school council, gives children the chance to develop some leadership skills. Each year we teach the children about democracy (one of the four British Values) and then complete class votes to choose our councillors. This is a fun process, which helps the children to understand the way that Britain is led and gives them an opportunity to write a letter of application or complete a verbal presentation to their peers explaining why they think they would be good at the job.

We currently have 12 school councillors (from year groups 2 to 6) and some of these older children keep in touch with our EYFS classes (Nursery, RA, RB,Y1A and Y1B) through assemblies and visiting classrooms.  They meet regularly to discuss school issues, facilitated by Mrs Johnston.

School Council Work 24 - 25

At our first meeting, in September, we decided what our focus would be this term. The children decide to raise the profile of fundraising for charities and encourage St John’s to be actively involved in learning about the causes we are supporting.

“I like being school councillor because I feel privileged to represent my classmates and to stand up for children’s rights.” – Hiba

“I like being school council because we get to help communities and poor people and especially children” - Mustafa

Autumn Term 2024

We were really busy organising events and raising money last term.

Here are some updates on last term's charity work...

Our first event which we organised and helped with was the MacMillan Coffee Morning.

The children helped to set up the hall the day before and greeted parents as they arrived.

They handed out cakes and collected donations....they particularly enjoyed having a cake to eat at the end!

We raised £267.59 for Macmillan from our coffee morning.


We also raised £320 for the Royal British Legion on Remembrance Day, by selling poppies and wristbands. We went around each class and spoke to them about what the Royal British Legion do and why November 11th is important.

We raised £297.67 for Children in Need when we enjoyed wearing Pudsey costumes and spotty clothes.

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